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Technical Standards


Instructions: Please read the list of MT Program Technical Standards below. Students applying to the MT Program must state that, as far as they are aware of, they are able to satisfy the expectations defined in these Technical Standards, as a part of the application process for entry into the MT Program.

Technical Standards

An individual intending to enter the 365bet Medical Technology Program for degree/certification, subsequently to enter the profession of Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science, must have certain minimal technical skills and essential functions. The 365bet MT Program expectations include:

1. Sufficient visual acuity to read small font text; to read text presented on a video or computer monitor; to recognize and identify instrument communication lights and/or readouts; to distinguish cells under high Jlower light microscopy by means of color differences, morphology, granulation patterns, etc.; to recognize differences in morphology for bacterial colonies growing on solid media; to identify color, clarity, and viscosity of body fluids, etc.

2. Sufficient proficiency in the English language to read and comprehend complex scientific literature, to write technical papers and reports, to communicate effectively orally with other English speakers. International students must comply with 365bet requirements regarding the TOEFL exam (or equivalent measures). Sec 365bet University Bulletin.

3. Sufficient hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity to operate complex mechanical and electronic instruments (e.g., compound micmscope, spectrophotometer, centrifuge, electronic balance, computer terminal, semi-automated piiJette device, etc.); and perform complex manual techniques (e.g., drawing blood, plating bacterial cultures, manipulating microscope slides, test tubes, etc.).

4. Sufficient sound judgment and coping skills to perform effectively and function independently in stressful academic and clinical laboratory environments.

5. Sufficient emotional health and psychological/social adjustment to cooperate effectively in group activities and assignments and to perform in an ethical manner with professional colleagues and patients.

6. Sufficient confidence and maturity, upon training, to draw blood from fellow students, faculty, and/or patients as well as to handle properly, using universal safety precautions, blood and other body fluids as a part of performing clinical laboratory analyses in a student or clinical laboratory environment.

7. Sufficiently good health to be able to regularly attend or complete all scheduled class sessions or activities. I understand that excessive absences or lack of completing assignments, excused or not, may affect my place in the class and grades in all courses in which I am enrolled.

8. Background and fingerprint checks will not disclose anything which will prevent work in an accredited hospital or laboratory facility.